Recovery Links
BBC News – Panorama – Alastair Campbell on drink: ‘I paid a heavy price’
BBC News – Panorama – Alastair Campbell on drink: 'I paid a heavy price'.
Should be worth a watch if your in the UK.
Who Was the Real Bill W.? | The Fix
Short article from “The Fix”
We are not saints. The point is, that we are willing to grow along spiritual lines. The principles we have set down are guides to progress. We claim spiritual progress rather than spiritual perfection.
Bills life was a great example of this.
Who Was the Real Bill W.? | The Fix.
BBC News – Campaign warns of drinking ‘little too much’ alcohol
BBC News – Campaign warns of drinking 'little too much' alcohol.
12 1/2 years on and my average units per day is still probably over this.
BBC News – Panorama – Alcoholic liver disease taking its toll on the young
Now this is where I was headed pretty quick.
Liver disease is now the country’s fifth biggest killer and cases of alcoholic liver disease in the under-30s have risen by half in the past 10 years, says the Department of Health.
BBC News – Panorama – Alcoholic liver disease taking its toll on the young.