BBC News – Campaign warns of drinking ‘little too much’ alcohol
BBC News – Campaign warns of drinking 'little too much' alcohol.
12 1/2 years on and my average units per day is still probably over this.
BBC News – Campaign warns of drinking 'little too much' alcohol.
12 1/2 years on and my average units per day is still probably over this.
Do you have to believe in a “God” to get sober?
I certainly struggled with that question to start with. It began with that I just had accept “I wasn’t god”.
Here’s Frank Turners Anthem for Atheists.
One good thing about being sober and quitting the fags is the increase in my love of good food and new flavours.
Huge range of new flavours to explore at Portsmouth’s brand new Morrisons.
Deli in New Morrisons in Portsmouth. This Cities getting almost cosmopolitan.
Can’t take another Earthquake
Free Nights of Riots
BBC News – Liver disease epidemic warning in North East.
“The earlier the age at which children drink, and the more they drink, the greater the chance of developing serious liver disease in adult life.
“Many patients are now presenting with terminal liver disease in their late 20s and early 30s.”