Got inspired to start a bit of Bread Baking again, thought I’d give this recipe at Attic24 a go with my own twists.
Unsure if it was the long prove or the steam from using a casserole pot but this turned out to be one of the best loaves yet.

- 400g strong white bread flour
- 7g Sachet instant dried bakers yeast
- 1 tsp salt
- 2 tsp Honey
- 300ml Warm water.
Mixed Together dry ingredients, then slowly added water in electric mixer with a dough hook.
Once mixed cover bowl with cling film and leave for 8 hrs.
Preheat oven and casserole dish to 225C for 30min, in mean time shape dough into round loaf and leave to rise for 30 min.
Bake for 30 min with the lid on, then 15 min without.
Leave to cool on a rack for as long as you can wait.
Tasted great with butter and next day toasted with honey.