Home Group Curry Night

My Home group has a tradition, that’s stood for longer than I’ve been there, of several times a year having our Friday Night meeting (usually declared an open meeting so family members can come) and then going out for a Curry after.

I remember my first curry night, a few months sober, shaking and nervous not really having been out in a large group before without drinking. Good thing was it was with people in the fellowship, so it was safe, didn’t stop it being scarey tho. Next time I came to going out to ‘wet’ placed with a large group it was so much easier having done it first in an AA situation.

Last night was a cracking night as usual, we were the loudest table and laughing the most. AA, for me at least, is not just about meetings and Big Book studies and long serious conversations about the program. It’s about living and enjoying life and what better way to spend and evening than enjoying good food and good company.

As is the norm at these things the confusion on the waiters face when 15 people all turn down the free shot of liquor at the end the meal is great.

4000 Days Sober

The Geek in me loves the big numbers and I’ve just past the 4000 Day mark of continued abstinence from alcohol or any other mind altering substance, caffeine and nicotine not withstanding.

Growing up/older and getting sober are hard to distinguish but in the past 4000 Days of sobriety I have become what I’d never thought I’d be, rather happy and content.

To celebrate I have been slowly revamping this old site, admittedly into more of a flickr powered photoblog. The Gallery also now being run by the rather excellent flogr.

4000 DaysPic is screen shot of the rather lovely “Friend of Bill” Ipod app, which I would recommend to anyone for its sobriety calculator and “Coffee Time” quick AA quotes for those small moments of quiet in a busy day.

Secret of AA: After 75 Years, We Don’t Know How It Works | Wired Magazine

Check out this rather interesting Article on AA from Top Tech Magazine “Wired”
Secret of AA: After 75 Years, We Don’t Know How It Works | Magazine.

Draw your own conclusions.

Wired Logo


Fear And Faith

The achievement of freedom from fear is a lifetime undertaking, one that can
never be wholly completed. When under heavy attack, acute illness, or in
other condition of insecurity, we shall all react to this emotion – well or
badly, as the case may be. Only the self-deceived will claim perfect freedom
from fear. AS BILL SEES IT, p. 263


What do you get when you sober up a horse thief?
A sober horse thief.

BBC News – Report calls for drink-drive limit to be reduced

Interesting lets see if they do anything about it…

BBC News – Report calls for drink-drive limit to be reduced.



10 Years

AA 10 Years Medal

10 Years ago I was spending my first night in Rehab, having the usual messy librium detox.

My thanks go to AA, my family and friends. My life is a million times better than those days on the piss and given when I came in I only wanted the crap to stop,  I’ve been fortunate to have been catapulted in a life beyond my wildest dreams surrounded by love.

I’d also like to thank all the folks that have stopped by and left comments on this little website, I’m rubbish at responding but your thoughts and words are always appreciated.


Conventions and Ducks

Had a fantastic weekend at the Winchester Convention this weekend. The first meeting was in Winchester Cathedral for the first time and was incredibly powerful especially when thinking as mentioned on the first page of the big book Bill W was there all those years ago and saw the tomb stone with the quote.

“Here lies a Hampshire Grenadier Who caught his death Drinking cold small beer. A good soldier is ne´er forgot Whether he dieth by musket Or by pot.”

The whole weekend had a great atmosphere with some fantastic speakers and tissues for leaky eyes were needed at times. My thanks to all who did service to make this weekend happen. At the closing meeting the following poem was read which I loved.

I Am Not A Duck

I may look like a Duck and walk like a Duck
and quack like a Duck and drink like a Duck
but I am NOT a Duck. I am an Eagle in Disguise.

But if you could prove to me that it is respectable to be a Duck,
I might consider being one.
But don`t waste your time… my mind is made up.
I think it is shameful to be a Duck. I won`t be a Duck.

It`s so lonely here among all these Ducks. I am so out of place here.
But for some reason, none of the other Eagles will have anything to do with me.
Why are Eagles so cruel?
Some of the Ducks are quite nice. It`s too bad I`m an Eagle.

No, it isn`t! I`m glad I`m an Eagle.
Even if I WERE a Duck, I wouldn`t stay a Duck. I would become an Eagle.
I can be anything I want to be and I owe it to myself to be an Eagle.
Ducks are terrible. I hate Ducks.

I keep trying to swoop down and grab a rabbit in my claws.
But I can`t do it, I have webbed feet.
It`s all the Lords`s fault. Why would make an Eagle with webbed feet?
If I starve to death, The Lord will have only herself to blame.
I do my part…why doesn`t she do hers?

The Ducks all want to help me. But how can they?
What does a Duck know about an Eagle`s problems?
Why can`t they mind their own business?
Why don`t the Eagles offer to help? Someday I`ll get even with those Eagles.
I hate them. I`m beginning to like Ducks better than I do Eagles.

Being an Eagle is killing me. Not being a Duck is killing me.
I don`t know what`s killing me. I just know I`m dying.
Help me Spirit, Spirit help me.
Guess what Lord!
I am a Duck…wether I like it or not…I`m a Duck.

Why didn`t you tell me? I have forgotten how to act.
Show me Lord, how to be a Duck. Help me. Help me be a good Duck.
Ducks are the best people in the World. I love Ducks.
I`m grateful to be a Duck

© by John Foster, USA